Wednesday, February 6, 2013

why I blog

Whenever I think of blogging I think of a commercial I saw on TV recently. A woman believes everything she reads on the Internet and even finds her boyfriend from the Internet. She's telling a friend her boyfriend is a French model but when the boyfriend shows up it's obvious he is anything but. The commercial is supposed to be making fun of the Internet because any person can post something about any topic. The fact that "blog" itself is slang already activates the skeptic in me and I assume what I'm reading is simply someone's opinion on a matter rather than facts.

One paragraph states, "No columnist or reporter or novelist will have his minute shifts or contant small contradictionsexposed as mercilessly as a blogger's are." Sullivan goes on to compare blogging to almost a stream of consciousness when he says "It is, in many ways, writing out loud." Bloggers say whatever is on thier minds where as novelists and colunists and reporters must make sure that everything they are going to say is true before they actually present it to the public. This seems to be a piece of evidence to support my statement that blogs are mostly the blogger's opinions.

1 comment:

  1. I somewhat agree with your post. I am definitely also skeptic of blogs and the information one can find on them
