Wednesday, February 27, 2013


The party setting is arbitrary along with the topics of discussion, but the megaphone has a purpose. This is apparent from the start of the essay it is easy to tell even though Saunders isn't being direct. He writes about a "megaphone" without spelling out exactly what he means, just as in real life, people may not be aware of the "megaphone". The megaphone in the essay is used by someone who may not be the most knowledgeable or have the best opinions, but others are forced to listen due to their volume and overpowering voice. As the guests at the party listen, they begin to discuss the same topics and find themselves agreeing with the holder of the megaphone.
The megaphone is a metaphor for sources that we believe to be voices of authority in our country such as the government or news stations. Saunders expresses strongly that they shouldnt always be trusted despite our expectation of them to deliver the truth to us.

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