Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Purpose of College Education

I think that the purpose of a college education is to help obtain a better job in your future. The degrees are what gets you money. Going to school for an extra four years to get a bachelor's degree can double your salary. However, in this economy I question whether going to school is even worth the opportunity costs that we, students are giving up. All of the stress and worry about loans, debt, and tuition can be seen as a burden because working to pay for college is a pain. 
I guess you can also see a college education as broadening your knowledge to become a smarter person. The lectures from your professors, TAs and teachers can help open your eyes to what you're really interested.


  1. You make a good point about the finances of college. It is stressful for everyone and is a lot to handle. It almost seems that we're "in the hole" money wise for a while after college until we get a good enough job to sustain ourselves.

  2. I agree with the point made about degrees. Although it cost more money to keep going to school, it will end up benefitting you in the end.
