Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Acker's form of her essay is parallel with her description of bodybuilding.  Her paragraphs are very short, never more than a few sentences and they are to the point.  When she says "the verbal language of the gym is minimal and almost senseless, reduced to numbers and a few nouns" she is describing the language of the gym, which matches how her essay is structured.  Despite this simple, short structure of her paragraphs, there is also complexity hidden within them.  She does not just state things and move on, she describes them and elaborates, but still keeping with the short form.  She describes this similar structure when she is in the gym by saying "when i am in the gym, my experience is that I am immersed in a complex and rich world"(22).  This is parallel with her structure, on the surface it looks short and concise, but when you read it and experience it, there is a lot more than you expect.

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