Sunday, March 3, 2013

Purpose of a College Education

In this day and age, everything is about money. How much you make and how much you spend. More importantly, it is about who you know. However, who you know tends to come from how much money you have so the two are intertwined.I believe that a college education is to help establish a very strong network with very powerful people. Otherwise everyone would go to a regular community college where they can receive basically the same education for much less as opposed to a private and Ivy League schools. Its not about what you know but who you know that makes people successful (and by successful I mean to a higher rank in their chosen field of study). Well, all this with the exception of those extremely rare cases like Mark Lederberg's where he dropped out of school and made it bigger than anyone his age had ever done before. Although he did go to Harvard so that might have given him a bigger boost as compared to a lonely student who left a regular community college.

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