Monday, March 11, 2013

Tomb Raider

In Mikula's essay about gender roles and video games she brings up important points about the player/character connection. Lara Croft, the protagonist in the tomb raider video game falls into gender roles while defying them at the same time, her appearance is very exaggerated (large breasts and hips), yet she is strong and has fighting skills. The gameplay involves the player controlling Lara but seeing her as well. Mikula compares the playing experience of men vs women with interesting results. Men who play feel like they are watching and looking out for Lara while women feel like they are controlling and identifying with Lara.

Not having ever played the game, I can't say if I would be connecting with or watching Lara Croft, but I definitely do understand the double point of view that players can have of their characters.

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