Monday, March 11, 2013

Lara Croft

As I read Maja Mikula's essay relating gender with video games, I realized that she made many good points and brought up various arguments having to do with the main character of the game, Lara Croft. One that I found stuck out the most was one that was brought up at the beginning which was is Lara Croft a good role model? There are many people that would think that she is a good role model. She has a perfect body and her job is to fight off harm. What is wrong with that? Unfortunately, that is the problem. Nothing is wrong with her and she is perfect. I think that this makes her a poor role model. Girls who look at Lara will compare themselves to her and they will feel degraded. They may try to be as good as her which will be impossible because Croft is a fictional character. It is almost like Lara gives real girls false hope.


  1. I agree with you. The media only shows perfect girls, in fact most of the time the media only shows fake girls created by the computer. Celebrities are air brushed and their bodies are cut to make the picture. Lara is fake. Girls cannot look like her.

  2. I also agree with both of you guys. I feel like a truly empowered woman would be a woman who has changed the world in some significant and better way, like Mother Theresa. I just don't think Lara Croft has really done anything truly great to be an empowering woman. If anything, she makes woman more vulnerable about the way that they should look.

  3. I agree that women should not look to Lara , or any vidoegame character for that matter,for a role model and instead look to real life empowered women as role models.
